

Shipping Information

Ground Shipping ( 1-7 Business days transit )

Priority Shipping ( 2-3 Business days transit )

Expedited Shipping ( 1-2 Business days transit )

Canada Shipping ( 6-10 Business days transit )

International Shipping Basic ( 7-21 Business days transit )

International Shipping Express ( 3-7 Business days transit )

Please Note: Orders do not necessarily ship same day. Shipping times are based on when your package leaves the warehouse. See Delivery Times below for additional information on calculating your package's arrival date. Inclement weather conditions may delay or postpone our deliveries. will not hold liability or refund the shipping charge based on an inclement weather delay. APO/FPO and PO Box addresses will be automatically defaulted to our Ground Shipping option. Additional shipping fees apply for all framed items and will be indicated on the item page.

Please Note: Allow additional 5-10 business days for processing prior to shipping for any custom framed item.

Multiple Items Ordered through

If multiple items are ordered, you may receive multiple packages for your shipment but you will always pay only one shipping charge.


Signature Requirements/Bill to Address Shipping

All orders over $500.00 will sometimes require a signature upon delivery. Carrier will attempt to deliver 3 business days in a row before returning the package. If the shipment is returned to our warehouse, the actual carrier's shipping charge will be assumed by the customer for reshipping. Change of signature requirement by the customer relieves and its subsidiaries of any loss or damage to product. takes no responsibility for loss or damage of product that is shipped to a different address other than the billing address,
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