Welcome to the iconsofboxing.com Customer Service Portal

Advertise on www.IconsofBoxing.com

We're a rapidly growing website community of savvy sports fans that can help get your business the exposure it deserves without breaking the bank. According to our user survey tracking system since 2005, the average hits of our iconsofboxing.com website: numbers close to 1 million users and the average age of our visitors is 26 years old has an average annual household income of Over $50,000 plus.

To get started, contact us for current pricing and advertiser requirements! at miltonluban@hotmail.com

Other Forms of Advertising

Every advertisement is a reflection of our image, and because of that we are very picky about who we partner with. We do not do link exchanges, unless you are a respectful website, and we generally do not sell banner ads (same applies). We're interested in value-added partnerships that benefit our community. If that sounds like you, please contact us! Geat Examples would be a great addition to our website's, although we're always interested in hearing your ideas too!

In order to streamline support requests and better serve you, we utilize a customer service category that best fits your need via this drop down menu system set up. Every customer service request is assigned a category that hopefully answers your questions and concerns. Should for some reason it does not you can contact me the CEO of iconsofboxing.com direct. 

CONTACT US: Any questions? Please Email me Direct at miltonluban@hotmail.com my personal email address!

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