Reddit and Trustpilot allow anyone to post lies

It's a shame anyone can just make an account and post fake news on Trustpilot or Reddit, take it for what it is, all someone's opinion. if you read any reviews about icons of boxing, and it's a bad review? my question is where are all the positive review's? If you use simple logic, we have sold over 1 million pieces of Authentic Boxing and Sports memorabilia and if someone is Happy with their purchase they just go about their business. When someone has a bad experience they are going to go out of their way to write a bad review and always exaggerate the truth because they don't want to sound petty. 1,000.000 sold and 10 or so bad reviews equals about .0001 percent of bad reviews, not to mention the hateful people who really have nothing better to do but just lie about a Great Business out of envy and jealousy! I don't put it past many people who rather hate then spread joy and truth and love, just fake news!

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